Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Asiatic Black Bear classification and evolution

The Asian Black Bear is a medium large size of bear species found inhabiting the tropical deciduous forest in Asia. Known to be closely related to the American Black Bear, the two species have a number of similarities, including their size, appearance and behavior, and is believed to actually have a common ancestor at about 4 million years. Unlike the American Black Bear, however, shows increases the Asian Black Bear is on population numbers, especially in certain areas such as endangered species throughout the range today as non-native populations drastically due to both loss of their natural habitat to deforestation decreased and the fact that they are the most valuable of all bear species that are hunted for their body parts (especially the gall bladder), which are used in traditional medicine as a culinary delicacy in some areas, too.

Asiatic Black Bear Anatomy and appearance

Like the other seven species of bears in the world, the Asian Black Bear has a strong and robust body with a large head and stocky legs, which is strong enough to allow the Asian Black Bear, both standing and walking are using bipedal movement, it seems even more when they feel threatened or compete for territory with other individuals. Asiatic black bears have a black coat (sometimes brown or blond depending on the subspecies) designed with a whitish hallmark V-shaped chest and a fur collar around the neck and, in turn, to help make them look bigger than they really are. As with other species of bears, Asiatic black bears have an acute sense of smell, which is crucial to help them is to find food and is reflected in its impressive long snout. However, despite the fact that their ears are larger than their relatives, the very poor vision and hearing, share and so heavily on their sense of smell to discover the surrounding area.

Asiatic Black Bear Distribution and habitat

Asiatic black bears were once in Europe and Asia with the fossils as far west as France and Germany found discovered, but recently in the regions of Central and South Asia from Afghanistan to Japan and south to Thailand took a handful of populations with limited also to northern Russia. Although relatively wide distribution in Southeast Asia, as well as Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia lacking today, possibly due to the overlap of these areas bear Sun. His exact habitats depending on the geographical region where they are, although black bears prefer deciduous forests and shrubs at lower altitudes. But anyway, this human intervention lowland regions of increased growth of agriculture and human settlements in the remaining populations of black bears pushed in small, isolated pockets of vegetation in the highlands.

Asiatic Black Bear behavior and lifestyle

As with other species of bears (and indeed, many of the large carnivores), Asian black bears are solitary, coming together only to mate or when competing for desirable areas. Despite its relatively small black bear claws are highly efficient climbers and spend most of their time foraging high trees, where they build nests accidentally convolution of twigs caused by them reaches for fruit and hunting small animals . Winter in colder climates in the northern regions of the native range, Asiatic black bears in the winter months and thus consumer spending autumn months of food such as acorns, beechnuts and nuts, which are high in fat, build You have a good layer of fat to keep maintained throughout the winter. Although they tend to be from November to April hibernation, in parts of Russia, especially when the weather is more hostile than further south, some populations are known, formed their winter dens in October in force and will not be until the end of May.

Asiatic Black Bear Reproduction and life cycles

Asiatic black bears are able to reproduce, which was concluded between 4 and 5 years and do so in the warmer months of June and July summer. After a gestation period that lasts from 6-8 months 1-4 pups (although usually 2) born between March and April in the safety and warmth of Asian female Black Bear away the winter. Depending on the region, these caves are found in riverbeds or on the rocks, even with those who do not have to spend the winter in the warmer southern regions, seeking the protection of a cave in which to birth to her child. Asian Black Bear Cubs are born hairless and depend largely on the warmth of his mother and his winter quarters, to keep them safe and warm. Asian Black Bear Cubs are weaned when six months old and begin to eat solid foods only, instead of relying on the diet of mother's milk, but often stay with it until they are 3 years old. Although Asian black bears often live to be 30 years in captivity or rarely may exceed the age of 25 years in the wild.

Asiatic Black Bear Diet and prey

Although they have not been classified as carnivores, like other species of Asiatic black bear bears a widely varied omnivorous diet means eating two small animals and plants in their natural range. Due to the fact that fruits, plants and seeds that are used contain, could not so much food as larger animals, black bears spend much of their waking hours searching for food in the trees. Acorns, beechnuts, walnuts and other nuts and seeds, fruits like cherries, bamboo shoots and leaves, grasses, herbs, worms and insects, including termites and ants do most of their food, the occasional bird or rodent when It complements other food is scarce due to the fact that black bears that eat little meat, their molars are flat for grinding vegetation easier. In areas where human settlements have been largely natural habitats Asian Black Bear is operated sometimes known, sometimes invaded agricultural plantations along with taking cattle farms.

Asian Black Bear Predators and threats

The size and nature of wild Asian Black Bear has ensured that (if any) has historically vast natural area, very few natural enemies. Tigers are provided with the child especially vulnerable to predators, despite some fierce parental protection available, the main enemies of Asian black bears in Asia. Asiatic black bears are also in areas other bears in their natural range which overlaps between brown bears in Russia more vulnerable and are also threatened by the wolf packs in some parts of its natural range. But the men were and remain the greatest threat to the Black Asian population in the world, either because clearly agriculture or increase affected greatly by the loss of their natural habitats, deforestation the size of settlements growing . They are also highly threatened by hunting for their body parts, which are highly valued in traditional medicine and, despite the ban on hunting in all countries except Japan, trade further in your area natural distribution today.

Asiatic Black Bear Interesting Facts and Features

The Asian Black Bear is by a series of other names in Asia, it is both the Asian black bear, Tibetan and Himalayan Black Bear Black Bear, where its scientific name comes known. Branded as V-white chest has also led to them is called "Moon Bear" known in many regions, leading to which was adopted more closely associated with sloth bears and sun bears have been used until recently. In contrast to most other species of bears. Asiatic black bears are largely nocturnal creatures, which most of the daylight hours sleeping in nests or hollow trees or caves during the day to spend, just come out from under the cover of night in search of food. Asiatic black bears are known in a variety of small animals and plant material in their natural range, with its exact diet it is to feed its position depends largely on the time of year. A recent study conducted in Thailand, however, has shown that black bears are known to up to 160 species of trees bearing fruit diet alone.

Asiatic Black Bear relationship with people

Since 3000 years people have hunted Asiatic black bears, especially for their gall bladders and paws which dries is used in traditional Chinese medicine and probably contain many healing properties. This has meant that captured and held mainly in China and Vietnam, where living conditions are often a major source of concern for environmentalists and conservationists in bile farms. This industry has only contributed and, more recently, along with loss of habitat could see black bears disappear completely from certain areas of the sharp drop in population numbers greatly. Although cases are rare, they have been known to cause human deaths in areas where settlements seriously affect their shrinking natural habitats and many are often hunted as pests or threats, even murder of those who illegally. Asiatic black bears are often caught and kept as pets and imprisoned in Pakistan for fighting dogs, in a process known as bear baiting. This is not only morally wrong Sport horrendous, but the teeth and claws of Asiatic black bears are also removed before the start of the fight, so they have no chance to defend themselves from the onslaught of Bull Terriers.

Asiatic Black Bear Conservation Status and Life Today

Today the Asian black bears are the IUCN Red List as a species is endangered, extinct in their natural environment and could, if the situation continues unchanged listed in the near future. It is believed that populations could decline by as much as 49% in just the past 30 years, and although no official estimates have been generated, it is generally believed that fewer than 50,000 left in the wild today. Despite the ban on hunting in their natural range, with the exception of Japan, where figures actually Asiatic black bears are severely threatened by both hunting and loss of habitat are given, together with the conquest of spending as pets, sportswear or the rest of his days in the misery of a bile farm.

Asian Black Bear Facts

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genre: Ursus
Scientific name: Ursus tibetanus
Common name: Asiatic Black Bear
Name (s): Asian black bear, Himalayan Black Bear, Tibetan black bear, moon bears
Group: Mammal
Number of species: 7
Location: Central and South Asia, Russia and Japan
Habitat: tropical deciduous forest
Color: Black, Brown, White
Skin Type: Skin
Size (H): 1.2 m - 1.9 m (4 ft - 6.25ft)
Weight: 90 kg - 115 kg (€ 198 - £ 253)
Maximum Speed: 40 kph (25 mph)
Diet: Omnivorous
Prey: nuts, fruits, insects
Predators: tigers, wolves, human
Lifestyle: Nocturnal
Group behavior: Solitary
Life span 15 - 25 years
Sexual4 age of maturity - 5 Years
Gestation: 6 - 8 months
Average litter size: 2
Young names: Cub
Weaning age: 6 months
Conservation status: Vulnerable
Estimated population: 50,000
Greatest threat: hunting and habitat loss
The most striking feature: brand v-shaped badge on his chest
Fun fact: Known for 160 different tree borne fruit in Thailand eat!

a blogger who likes animals

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