Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Anteaters are found throughout the Southern Hemisphere, but are more common in Africa, Asia and parts of Australia. The name is anteater all medium-sized insectivorous mammals like anteaters, anteater, necklace, silky anteater, echidna and echidnas, the house is given in Australia.
The average anteater is nearly a meter long, although some species may be larger (as the anteater, which receives almost 2 m long), where her another small (like the silky anteater, which only grows to about 30 cm).

The giant anteater is found in parts of Central and South America, where he lived in meadows, forests, jungles and even the lower mountain regions. The giant anteater is known to be capable of more than 30,000 insects (especially termites) to consume every day!

The giant anteater is the largest of the four species of ants and be five to seven feet long from nose to tail. The giant anteater has a narrow head, a long nose, small eyes and round ears.

The giant anteater has unruly hair, which can be gray or brown with white stripes black stripe runs along the giant anteater body \ 's. The giant anteater also has a long bushy tail, which can be two to three feet long.

The giant anteater's front paws have large claws, which, when they are attracted walks the giant bear anthill. Although the giant anteater has poor vision giant anteater is able to recognize foods with their keen sense of smell.

Despite its soft appearance, anteaters are more than willing to protect themselves from predators and have been known to be very aggressive to be in it. Anteaters primarily use their powerful legs and long claws to warn the larger animals, such as pumas, jaguars and even humans.

Females give birth to one baby anteaters after a gestation period of about 6 months. Baby anteaters spend their early years with his mother and become independent as a rule, if she is pregnant again. This wait predators on the ground remain, anteaters babies spend much of their attachment breastfeeding for the back of his mother.

Today the population numbers are declining anteater mainly to habitat loss and overhunting by humans. Although animals are considered endangered giant anteater it does not think you are directly threatened with extinction, but recent reports indicate that there are fewer than 5,000 giant anteater individuals in their natural habitat.

Anteater data

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Xenarthra
Family: Myrmecophagidae
Genre: Tamandua
Scientific name: giant anteater
Type: Mammal
Diet: Omnivorous
Size (L): 0.9 m - 2.1 m (3 feet - 7 feet)
Weight: 18 kg - 40 kg (40 lbs - 88 lbs)
Maximum speed: 30 km / h (18 mph)
I live 9-20 aƱos
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Threatened
Color: brown, gray, black, brown
Skin Type: Skin
Food: Ants
Habitat: forests and meadows
Average litter size: 1
Main prey: ants, termites, insects
Predators: cougar, snakes, Jaguar
Special Features: elongated snout and long sticky tongue

a blogger who likes animals

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