Polar Bear classification and evolution
The polar bear is a large bear species found inhabiting the ice fields in the Arctic Ocean. It is the largest species of bear in the world (except for the Kodiak bears are found in Alaska, can achieve similar sizes) in males often weighing around 600 kg. Think that is placed near the brown bears in relation, actually it means that polar bears "name" sea bear "as he is known not only spend time near the coast, but also strong and capable of seeing the swimmer up 100 miles from the nearest land or ice. They are, however, global warming is the devastating ice that rely heavily on what was rapidly disappearing and took the Polar Bear affected a strong symbol of the effects of climate change . polar bear populations have also fallen over the Arctic Ocean due to hunting, pollution and oil and gas, which list them as endangered species,
Polar Bear Anatomy and appearance
Adult polar bears usually measure more than two meters long and weigh around half a ton. Women, though much lighter than their male counterparts, almost twice its weight. Polar bears are one of the few large mammals in such hostile conditions and adapt well to life in the ice. Their fur is thick and dense and consists of a warm fleece outer layer with long, clear, hollow tubes that trap heat from the sun and transfer it directly to the black skin, which absorbs heat did then welcome. The polar bear has a strong, muscular body with wide front legs that help fight in the water, and shelter in the ground at his feet, which not only helps to keep warm, but also gives more grip polar bear when moving through the ice. They have very long necks compared to other bear species, allowing the head to move above the water while swimming. They also have the most elongated snout and smaller than their relatives ears.
Distribution and polar bear habitat
Polar bears are found in the icy shores surrounding the North Pole and south to Hudson Bay. About 60% of polar bears in northern Canada to the rest of the people in all of Greenland, Alaska, Svalbard and Russia, where they tend to be spread relatively close to the sea roaming long distances through the ice fields. The populations of polar bears in their natural range with the greatest threat to this huge carnivore global warming is drastically reduced. Although polar bears are accustomed to seasonal changes in the Arctic Circle, it is that he spent ice melt last summer and more widely from year to year, which means that polar bears have less time to hunt on the ice before it disappears. Their precarious habitats are also severely affected by human encroachment in the forms of hunting, growing settlements and the release of chemical pollutants in the water.
Polar bear behavior and lifestyle
The polar bear is a loner who can not only operate at speeds up to 25 mph, but strong swimming ability 6 mph so it is a predator grain of truth in it around. This semi aqautic mammals can both on the ice and hunt in water and have been known to swim long distances in open sea in search of food. Polar bears are able to dive underwater prey, trapping making eyes open and held their breath up to two minutes. In earth they tend to hunt with two techniques: o then stalk hunt their prey or wait sitting beside a breathing hole up for several hours, before the ambush seal it arises. Food stamps is crucial to the survival of the polar bear, as it shall be provided with a meal of high energy capable. During the brief Arctic summer, however, it required further north polar bears receding ice, if they continue to feed other animals inland.
Polar bear reproduction and life cycles
Polar bears are (depending on the health of women) due to a period of delayed implantation usually in the spring from April to May, with the gestation period and then significantly different race. After 9 months after the female gives birth to 1-4 guys in a cave dug into the snow and earth. The child who weighs just over half a kilo when they are newborns and hairless and can not see. Women give their burrows in late autumn and are not presented with their offspring until the severe winter conditions have become spring. Although polar bear cubs start solid foods at 5 months of age, they will not until they are weaned between two and three. Cubs are known to play fights with other kids fighting and hunting goes along with baring his teeth and even bite each other frequently, but without any damage. These games are crucial for polar bear cubs learn to fight, thus successfully defending when they leave their mother and on her own.
Polar Bear Diet and prey
The polar bear is the largest carnivorous mammal in the country and must hunt regularly to make sure you are well fed and keeps insulating layer of fat to keep warm. The skin and fat from ringed seals do most of the diet of polar bears, as they often leave the remaining meat that provides an important source of food for other animals such as arctic foxes. Although seals are their main source of food, polar bears also eat birds, berries, fish and reindeer (especially during the summer months more difficult), along with the occasional walrus. The bodies of large marine mammals such as seals, walruses and even whales also provide a regular source of food for polar bears, he says he has a good sense of smell as they are able, to sniff them a considerable distance is. Polar bears are also known to enter underground caves to hunt seals pups in them.
Polar Bear Predators and threats
Due to the fact that the polar bear is a huge and fierce predator, no animals that eat them in their environment. They tend to be more problems with other polar bears and females have ferociously protect their young men who are trying to hurt others. However, humans are the greatest threat to the population numbers dwindling polar bear as avidly pursued since his arrival in the Arctic Ocean in the 1600s to mid-1970s, as the international ban on hunting in their place for the moment. Along with glaciers retreat, which are crucial to the survival of polar bears due to climate change they are also strongly influenced by the oil and gas, increased shipping activity and increased chemicals industrial water polluting affected. The polar bear has a relatively slow rate of reproduction, which means that people not only shrinks rapidly, but not fast enough to grow into. Some experts say that the polar bear may be extinct in the wild in the next 30 years.
Polar Bear Interesting Facts and Features
Before the severe winter conditions are fully reached, female polar bears dig a snow cave where this enemy months (and where they give birth) and wintering occur until spring. These caves are known as forty degrees warmer than being outside, but rather all year men seem to be active in. Polar bears have a layer of fat under the skin, which can accommodate up to 4 inches thick and helps to keep warm. They are so well insulated, in fact, that polar bears have to slow for most of the time to move, so it does not overheat. Polar bears shed their skin in the summer meaning that appear in its white autumn beginning. In the spring, however, their coats seem to be yellow, which must be thought of something, in part because of the oils found in sealskins.
Polar Bear relationship with people
Before the 1600s, as European, Russian and American fighters arrived in the heart of the Arctic Circle, the only local people really did not know anything about it. Polar bears were ruthlessly when an international agreement to end 1973, hunted as uncontrolled hunting. Even today, the local population is still allowed, the polar bear for traditional use, but the biggest threat to polar bears is chasing the ice shelf melting fast. Global warming caused by human thought to reduce so quickly, in fact, that some say its southern edge of Hudson Bay no ice at all by 2080. Polar bears are known to be aggressive towards people with reported attacks still occur including being the last and most famous incident in Svalbard, when a number of young and expedition leader were attacked by a polar bear in their camp.
Polar Bear Conservation Status and Life Today
Today was the polar bear appears on the IUCN Red List as a vulnerable species in their natural environment. Although international hunting bans have a high level of hunting prevented demonstrate such conservation efforts within the Arctic Circle, with his hard one thing the polar bear really need to survive disappear every year. High levels of industrial activity in their natural environment also caused the decline in the quality of their remaining habitats. It is estimated that between 20,000 and 25,000 polar bears are wandering in the vicinity of the North Pole, where most of them found in northern Canada.
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