The arctic fox is a small white fox comes from the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The arctic fox is generally found in the colder parts of Canada, Alaska, northern Asia and Europe. The arctic fox is also commonly known as the Snow Fox or White Fox due to the fact that the Arctic fox has white skin and spend time in the cold snow known.
The Arctic fox has very thick winter coat, which is apparently the hottest skin of all mammals. The thick layer of arctic fox is definitely an essential for arctic fox to continue successfully in the Arctic Apartment rough terrain, where temperatures regularly informed minus 40 degrees Celsius element.
The arctic fox tends to lemmings, hares, reptiles, amphibians and sometimes seal pups that are not likely close to its prey flock. The arctic fox makes his cave well below the soil surface and can withstand temperatures up remarkably least 50 degrees Celsius.
As with many animals living the Arctic, the arctic fox fur changes color to suit your environment accordingly. In winter, the thick arctic fox, white skin, which allowed the arctic fox to keep warm and camouflaged in the snowy surroundings. During the summer months, the skin of the arctic fox changes to a brown color due to the snow melted. The newly dyed brown leather arctic fox, arctic fox, while in the Arctic in the summer there is no snow can remain as unobtrusive as possible.
As one of the top predators in the Arctic Circle, freezing Arctic fox has few natural predators that \ 'environment. Polar bear, wolf pack and people are predators only Adult arctic fox, with large birds of prey such as snowy owls that. Prey mainly on small and vulnerable Arctic fox cubs
The arctic fox female gives birth to their young and increases the safety of his cave, which is a network of underground tunnels often. After a gestation period of a few months, they are the arctic fox woman birth to 15 pups, which are in early summer and after his birth his mother suckled by the time of the arctic winter begins again independently.
Arctic Fox Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genre: lagopus
Scientific name: lagopus lagopus
Type: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Size (L): 70 cm - 110 cm (28 - 43in)
Weight: 1.4 kg - 9.4 kg (3 € - £ 21)
Maximum speed: 45 km / h (30 mph)
Life: 7 - 10 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Endangered
Color: White, Black, Gray
Skin Type: Skin
Food: Lemmings
Habitat: Forests polar regions
Average litter size 5
Main prey: Lemmings, berries, insects
Predators: snowy owl, wolf, polar bear
Special Features: thick skin, the color changes with the season
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