Asian Giant Hornet classification and evolution
The Asian giant hornet is the largest species of the Hornet in the world with a pair of queens reached more than 5 cm long. They are all over East Asia, especially in Japan, where it is usually found as the giant Sparrow Bee known. It's not the quietest Asian hornet, which arrived in France in 2005, and although similar to the Asian giant wasp appearance is the Asian hornet is probably no more dangerous than the European Hornet to be confused. The Asian giant hornet is ranked first in 1852 by a British entomologist named Frederick Smith, who worked in the zoology department of the British Museum. Later he became the president of the Entomological Society of London from 1862 to 1863.
Asian Giant Hornet Anatomy and appearance
This species of wasp is greater than any other Asian giant with an average grows between 2.7cm and 4.5cm Hornets long, with a wingspan of about 7 cm. The queens can grow up to 5.5 cm, but are similar in appearance to workers Hornets with a orange head, the black jaw and a black and gold body. The Asian giant hornet has two pairs of eyes, a connection and a patch over one eye, both. In the brown legs Unlike other types of wasps, bees, and in fact, the sting of the Asian giant hornet is not barbed, and so is the body once connected. This means that Asian giant hornets are able to bite their victims repeatedly, injecting a toxic complex, which is known to contain eight different chemicals.
Asian Giant Hornet Distribution and habitat
The Asian giant hornet is found throughout East Asia in Korea, Taiwan, China, Indochina, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka, but is most often in the mountains of Japan. They are inhabiting the highest forests in both temperate and tropical areas where there is plenty of food and suitable places to build a nest. The nest is a fertilized females (known as the queen), which selects a appropriately protected, as the hollow trunk of a tree, where it begins, founded to build a nest chewed bark location. Wasp nests contain a series of individual cells together affects the known bee nest.
Asian Giant Hornet behavior and lifestyle
Hornets Asian giants are known for their bold and aggressive stance, and they seem to favor a special animal bee honey. Hornets Asian giants like bee larvae, to feed their own young and have come to complete destruction of all hives in the process. Instead of having its bite, Asian giant hornets, killing bees keep their strong jaws with extreme strength and agility. A Hornet is capable of up to 40 tear bees in the middle of every minute in only what they want to achieve. Hornets Asian giants are gregarious insects that share in the search for food colony, growing the size of the nest and care for the young. They are known as workers, but not play, and it is the job of the queen.
Asian Giant Hornet reproduction and life cycles
Once it built its nest in spring the queen lays a single fertilized egg in each cell, which hatch in about a week. Asian Giant Hornet larvae go through a change operation five stages known as metamorphosis to arrive at its adult form. This takes about 14 days to replace the hive has its first generation of workers to ensure that the colony as a whole is very well maintained. In late summer, the population of the colony is at its peak with about 700 employees who are predominantly female. Queen begins then fertilized (female) to produce and unfertilized eggs (male). Males leave the hive, once they have reached their adult form, and usually die once paired. Current workers and queens usually die in autumn leaves young fertilized queens to survive the winter and the process again next spring.
Asian Giant Hornet Diet and prey
The Asian giant hornet is a dominant predators in their environment, especially hunting other insects, especially bees. Hornets Asian giants are also well known to kill larger insects such as preying mantis and even other wasps and hornets. Adults Asian giant hornets are unable to digest solid proteins and instead only eat liquids from their victims. They are also known for their catch to feed their larvae (especially bee larvae) as a regurgitated pasta. The larvae consume a clear liquid that adults are secreted, and is intended to give them a bit of a boost of energy. Hornets predominantly Asian giants use their jaws, rather than ensure their powerful bites its prey.
Asian Giant Hornet Predators and threats
Due to the fact that the Asian giant hornet is a predator in their environment, has no real natural enemies it. Within native habitats People pose the greatest threat to the world's largest wasp, especially if they are part of the normal diet in areas where they are, consumed. This is especially common in the mountains of Japan, where populations Asian Giant Hornet are in the greatest wealth. Despite its size and moody, figures from the Asian giant hornet is declining in some areas. This is mainly due to loss of habitat as deforestation. East Asian bees are also starting his own defense back to the Hornets, trapping develop in the nest until it is too hot for this huge wasp and dies.
Asian Giant Hornet Interesting Facts and Features
The sting of the Asian giant hornet is 1/4 inch long and because he has beards, the Asian giant wasp's sting location, is the victim several times. The sting venom is injected incredibly powerful and contains eight different chemicals, each with a specific purpose. These range from tissue degeneration and respiratory difficulties that the most painful and even attracts other wasps sting prey. The Asian giant hornet is a relentless hunter and some are said to be able to completely destroy a colony of 30,000 bees in a few hours. The larvae produced by the Asian giant hornet saliva, said renowned energy and stamina when consumed regularly to give. In the hunt for their prey, they have reported that travel distances up to 60 miles with a top speed of 25 mph.
Asian Giant Hornet relationship with people
Strangely, this incredibly large and dangerous insects are actually made of people who ate the habitat of the Asian giant hornet together. The Asian giant hornet is consumed by some as a regular source of food and more often served fried or as sashimi Hornet. Although the venom of the Asian giant hornet is incredibly powerful, it is only rarely, when the person is more vulnerable than is actually the poison that caused him to die. In Japan alone, 40 people die each year from bites Asian giant hornets, but deaths are mainly caused by allergic reactions. Often made several passes
Protection status of Asia Giant Hornet and today life
The Asian giant hornet is now considered a threatened species listed in the near future of extinction, the circumstances must not alter the environment of survival. Despite their dominance in their natural habitat, the Asian giant hornet populations are affected by habitat loss is certain areas, especially in the form of deforestation.
Asian Giant Hornet Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Tribe: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Vespidae
Genre: Vespa
Scientific name: Asian giant hornet
Common name: Asian Giant Hornet
Name (s): Giant Sparrow Bee
Group: Wasp
Number of species: 1
Location: East Asia
Habitat: dense forests
Color: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow
Skin type: Shell
Size (L): 2.7 cm - 5.5 cm (1.1in - 2.2in)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: bees, bees, bugs, wasps
Predators: Humans
Lifestyle: Day
Group behavior: Colony
Life: 3 - 5 months
Sexual maturation: 1 Year
Incubation time: 1 Week
Spawn Average size: 50
Young names: Larvae
Age of Independence: 10 days
Conservation Status: Threatened
Estimated population size: Unknown
Most important hazards: habitat loss
Special features: Large black and orange body and large jaws
Fun fact: The world's largest wasp!
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