Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

Abyssinian history and domestication

The Abyssinian cat is considered as the first domestication of the Abyssinian came in the days of the ancient Egyptians as one of the oldest breeds of domestic cats in the world. It is believed that Abyssinian cats are bought and sold in the Nile by traders, where the African wild cat (the ancestor of all domestic cats) were living at home. Abyssinian cats are the easiest to "meet" with her because of her skin is a mottled appearance identified.
Physical characteristics Abyssinians
The Abyssinian cat has a wild look compared to many breeds of domestic cats in modern times. The Abyssinian cat has large ears (which means it is great audience has) on top of the same broad head, and large almond-shaped eyes of Abyssinia still unequivocally to this race today. The Abyssinian cat is a medium sized cat with long, lean yet muscular body and a relatively short tail. Although today the Abyssinian can find purple red in a variety of different colors of blue dense fur, silky of Abyssinia was originally silver or fawn color.

Abyssinian behavior and temperament

The Abyssinian cat is known to be highly intelligent and playful, and is considered to be one of the most active domestic cat breeds, like the Abyssinian, it seems almost impossible to sit still. Abyssinian cats are known for being extremely loyal and obedient so that they are easy to train cats in the house. The Abyssinian cat is so wild in temperament and appearance and has a lot of attention and have to stay active, which also tends to make these cats inherently good hunters.

Abyssinian breed

Today, most modern species of domestic cats are descended from the narrow descendants, the Abyssinian cats that have been brought to England in the 19th century by North Africa, or can be created. The Abyssinian cat is probably one of the first types of wild cat, have been domesticated by humans, and therefore is one of the first wild animal as a pet to be treated. The Abyssinian is one of the most popular breeds in the United States today and thought it was initially exhibited at Crystal Palace in 1871 and the first official list of the Abyssinian cat breed was a year 1882nd

Abyssinians Interesting Facts and Features

In ancient Egypt, the Abyssinian was seen as a sign of the ancient Egyptian gods, and therefore it was assumed that a sacred animal print legend that the Abyssinian was the "Children of the Gods" and was therefore on the banks of worship Nile. This meant that the Egyptian people believed that Abyssinian cats were very special animals and therefore took care of their cats very well, with the Abyssinian cats is often depicted as sacred beings in the Ancient Egyptian art and legend.

Abyssinians data

Name: Abyssinian
Origin: Egypt
Group: Cat
Average size (L): 60 cm (2 feet)
Average weight: 4.5 kg (10 lbs)
Average life: 15 years
Average litter size: 6
Type: short hair
Color: light brown, red, blue, gray
Temperament: intelligent and curious
Training: Easy
Special Features: silky coat and almond eyes

a blogger who likes animals

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