Albatros classification and evolution
The Albatros is a large species of seabirds throughout the South Pacific and even in the coldest found Antarctica. There are 21 different types of albatross found in the Southern Ocean, but unfortunately the 19 various species of albatross are threatened with extinction. The Albatros is closely related to other seabirds, including petrels, which on both sides of the top of your bill all among birds are due to nasal tube uniquely related, which means that these birds are tubenoses often called. The Albatros was first brought to light with Coleridge's poem in 1798, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
Albatros Anatomy and appearance
The albatross is one of the largest birds in the sky and can reach the length of the male wandering slightly 3.5 meters long or more, meaning it has the largest wingspan of any bird. The wandering albatross also has a body, which is more than 1 meter in length (including the tail), with the size of the other species usually somewhat smaller. The Albatros is an easily identifiable bird with long, narrow wings, a large head and a long sharp bill, which is connected to the end and handle sharp blades on both sides of the dam too slippery. There are three fingers on each of Albatros with webbed between each leg. Unlike many other species of birds, the albatross no fingers of the hind feet, as these seabirds are simply no need for them.
Albatros distribution and habitat
The 21 types of albatross are distributed mainly in the South Pacific, with some species found widely in the Southern Ocean. Although the Albatross is not in the North Atlantic, are a number of species in the North Pacific, with wading Albatros is the highest up, with their nesting sites in the Galapagos Islands. The Albatros is unique among the many birds, as it is forced into the air for most of the life. Albatros spend their entire lives glides over the waves and have been known to travel thousands of miles in a very short time. During the breeding season, the Albatros finally land, which nest in large colonies on cliffs again the distance, rocky islands, which are typically within the Antarctic tundra.
Albatros behavior and lifestyle
The sharp wings of the albatross means that tends to fly through the air, rather than slides energy intensive. The Albatros is known a technique known as the practice of dynamic flying high, which means that the Albatros use the ascending drafts of wind on the waves to give an extra push to really do something for a long time, and from outside. The Albatros has an excellent view when he sees his prey from the air, rushing, a fish from the surface or sometimes even breaking into the water. They are known, and an exceptional sense of smell that enables them to detect both prey and their breeding, even in the dark.
Albatross reproduction and life cycles
Albatross nests in large colonies on the islands where they fly thousands of other individuals Albatross, some of which are set to a maximum of 7 seven years until they reach the age of sexual maturity. After a single procession, growling and scraping their beaks, males and females mate to mate contains. The female lays a single egg Albatros, which can weigh up to half a kilo, ground in a nest on the ground. Albatross parents take turns incubating the egg for 2-3 months, depending on the size of albatross species. Albatross parents protect and clean their chicks until they can be able to fly. Albatross chicks everywhere can take 5-10 months to fledge, depending on the size of albatross species. They are very long-lived birds with an average age between 40 and 50 years old.
Albatross Diet and prey
The Albatros is a carnivorous bird Albatros diet consists exclusively of fish and other aquatic animals. Albatross feeds on fish, squid, krill, shrimp and other shellfish, either by immersion, rushing on the surface of water or rinse the murder of another animal. It is also known that both carrion and shelter, food in or near the water surface floating. The excellent sight and smell of the Albatross, along with it is well thought out and sharp beak, means that this animal is perfectly adapted for a life at sea. The chicks are fed by the still stinking stomach oil highly nutritious their parents until they have to be handled in conditions and slippery meals.
Predators and threats Albatross
Due to the fact that the Albatros is so great, and the fact that the albatross spends most is the whole of life in the safety of Heaven, has the Albatross no real thieves addition to people who have hunted in the past. The nests of albatrosses and as far away, safe from almost all other animals, with the exception of some Tiger Tiger sharks, which are known to put on hold, as the young albatross chicks learn to fly, hoping, greedy grab any stragglers. Interestingly, Tiger tiger sharks appear in the same place every year, knowing that albatross chicks perform their techniques and operational startup, and therefore ensures a simple snack
Albatros know and functions
Albatrosses are known to be capable of thousands of miles albatross flying in a short time with the power so far with so little effort that cover a full circle around the Earth in just over a month Grey-headed. The Albatros was known by Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem at the end of the 1700s, which showed that these large seabirds embodies made the souls of drowned sailors. This led to a lot of superstition surrounding Albatros hunting because it thinks it's bad luck to sailors.
Albatross relationship with people
An estimated 100,000 albatrosses, of various kinds, are believed to be killed each year by illegal fishing in the Southern Ocean, mainly tuna. These fishermen use long fishing lines, baited hooks, the Albatros can be easier if I just tried to be trapped catch your dinner. Females are believed actually to feed an increased risk of these lines than men, due to the fact that the two tend in different areas. Despite some superstition to killing the albatross of the sailors, who were quite intense hunted by humans in the 19th century for their feathers, which were used pillows things.
Albatross Conservation Status and Life Today
Today, 19 of the 21 different species of albatross are listed as animals that are endangered in the wild. Although the population of the other two species are not so low, they are falling numbers and both are an endangered species. The main reason for the sharp drop in the number of albatrosses in the southern seas, tuna fishing is the solo line, which can easily catch these large seabirds.
Albatros Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Procellariiformes
Family: Diomedeidae
Scientific name: Diomedeidae
Common name: Albatros
Name (s): tubenose
Group: Birds
Number of species: 21
Location: in the South Seas
Habitat: southern waters and islands
Color: Black, white, brown, red, yellow
Skin type: springs
Size (L): 0.9 m - 1.3 m (35in - 51in)
Span: 2 m - 3.4 m (78in - 134in)
Weight: 8 kg - 10 kg (€ 17 - £ 22)
Top speed: 64kph (40 mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Main prey: fish, crabs, squid
Predators: people, tiger sharks
Lifestyle: Day
Group behavior: Colonial nesting
Water type: Salt
Life 12-40 Years
Age of sexual maturity 2-7 years
Incubation 2-3 months
Average clutch size: 1
Young names: chick
Fledging age of 5 - 10 months
Conservation status: Vulnerable
Estimated population: Low
Greatest threat: Lone-line fishing
The most striking feature long beak and hook at the tip
Fun fact: The larger of any bird!
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