African wild dog classification and evolution
The African wild dog (also known as painted dog and cape hunting dog known) is a species of medium-sized dogs found in sub-Saharan Africa. The African wild dog is more easily the internal market and other wild dogs identified by its bright spotted coat, means meeting with his name painted wolf in Latin. The African wild dog is said to be joyful of all canines live in herds of about 30 people. Unfortunately, this is seriously threatened animal has been hunted largely for its natural environment, mainly due to habitat loss and people, but very intelligent and sociable.
African Wild Dog Anatomy and appearance
The most striking feature is the African wild dog is beautiful, easy to identify these dogs spotted coat. The coat of the African wild dog is red, black, white, brown and yellow with random patterns of colors is unique to each individual. It is also believed to act as a kind of camouflage, with the support of the African wild dog merge into its surroundings. The African wild dog has big ears, a long snout and long legs, four toes on each foot. This is one of the biggest differences between the African wild dog and other canine species, as have five. They also have great stomach and large intestine long, which helps them in the most effective absorption of moisture from the food.
Distribution and habitat African wild dog
African wild dogs are naturally wandering in deserts and arid savannah plains of sub-Saharan Africa, where the African wild dog range has declined rapidly. It is believed that the African wild dog is found once in about 40 different African countries, but this figure is much lower at 10 to 25 now, most of the African wild dog population is mainly limited to national parks in the south Africa, with the highest population in Botswana and Zimbabwe found. African wild dogs require large areas to support the package, with pack sizes actually fell in series with the decline in chain stores.
African wild dog behavior and lifestyle
African wild dogs are very social animals gather in packs usually between 10-30 people. There is a strict hierarchy within the pack, led by the dominant breeding pair. They are sociable dogs and make everyone, as a group, to help finding and sharing food, sick members and support in raising the young. African wild dogs communicate through touch, movement and sound. Pack members are incredibly close, gather before hunting in the nose and licking each other while wagging his tail and make loud noises. African wild dogs live a style of life crepuscular means they are most active at dusk.
Dog breeding and African wild life cycles
African wild dog packs in there's usually only one breeding pair, which are the dominant male and female. After a gestation period of about 70 days, the birth of the African wild dog female are between 2 and 20 cubs in a den that even with their young during the first few weeks to provide other members of the pack, with food. African Wild Dog guys out of the cave age 2 to 3 months and are fed and cared for the whole package until they are old enough to be independent and usually rely register or log Africa a wild dog pack . It is believed that serves more of the puppy, the best chance of survival.
African Wild Dog Diet and prey
The African wild dog is a carnivore and opportunistic predator, hunting of larger animals on the African plains on their large groups. African wild dogs that hunt mainly on large mammals such as wild boar and numerous antelope species, to supplement their diet with rodents, lizards, birds and insects. It is also known that are much larger than those vulnerable to disease or injury, herbivores like wildebeest hunt. Although the dam African Wild Dog is often much faster per mile can give to hunt, and this dog's resistance and resilience that makes them so successful, with its capacity to maintain its speed. Hunting as a pack also means that the African wild dog can easily cornered prey.
African wild dogs predators and threats
Because of the relatively large and dominant character of the African wild dog and his herd, they have few natural predators in their homeland. Lions and hyenas have been known on occasion to African wild dog in individuals who have been separated from the rest of the booty group. One of the greatest threats to the African wild dog are farmers who hunt and kill the African wild dog in fear that they will be in their hunt for cattle. A dramatic decline in their natural habitats has also pushed the African wild dog population remains small pockets of their regions of origin, and are now more commonly found in national parks.
African wild dog Interesting Facts and Features
The colon along the African wild dog means they have a very efficient system to absorb as much moisture as possible from the diet. This gives them an advantage in canines such dry climates, as they have to find as a regular water supply. Therefore, African wild dogs are able to go a long time without drinking. Unlike many other predators, wild dogs kill their prey by biting into it if he is still alive. Although this cruel sound, really fastest animal and the least painful death if he killed generally preferred.
African wild dog relationship with people
The African wild dog populations have declined dramatically in the countries of southern Africa, mainly due to the loss of much of its natural habitat and the fact that they are often hunted by farmers in particular. The somewhat wild nature of the African wild dog has largely of superstition brought against them, wiped with the locals, with almost entire populations in certain areas. The loss of their historical ranges usually due to rising settlements has led to drastic population declines in many parts of the environment. Although most African wild dog population is now limited to national parks, they tend to require much larger areas and conflict with people when they leave these shrines.
Conservation African Wild Dog Status and Life Today
Today, the African wild dog appears as an endangered species as the numbers of African wild dog populations have declined dramatically, especially in recent years. It is believed that fewer than 5,000 people stopped roaming sub-Saharan Africa still declining numbers. Hunting, habitat loss and the fact that they are particularly vulnerable to the spread of livestock diseases, the main cause of the loss of the African continent are wild dog.
Facts African Wild Dog
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genre: Lycaon
Scientific name: Lycaon pictus
Common name: African Wild Dog
Name (s): dog, painted dog, painted wolf
Group: Mammal
Number of species: 1
Location: Sub-Saharan Africa
Habitat: Open plains and savannahs
Color: gray, black, white, brown, beige, gold, red
Skin Type: Skin
Size (L): 75 cm - 110 cm (29In - 43in)
Weight: 17 kg - 36 kg (€ 39 - £ 79)
Top speed: 72kph (45 mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: antelope, wild boar, Rodents
Predators: lions, hyenas, humans
Lifestyle: Twilight
Group behavior: Pack
Life expectancy: 10 - 13 years
Age of sexual maturity 12-18 Months
The gestation period: 70 days
Average litter size: 8
Young names: Pup
Weaning age: 3 Months
Conservation status: Vulnerable
Estimated population size: less than 5000
Most important hazards: habitat loss
Most remarkable feature: four toes on each foot instead of five
Fun fact: Also known as the Painted Dog!
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